
Facing Diseases Related to Climate Change: Preparing the Medical Community for the New Challenges

Heslley Machado Silva*

    Climate change has had devastating impacts on global health, manifest in a variety of diseases and adverse conditions [1,2]. From leptospirosis [3] to Covid-19 [4], from dengue fever to heat waves [5], the current scenario calls for an urgent reassessment of public health strategies and medical training.

An Analysis of Physical Activity and Sedentary Behavior among Medical Students of a Tertiary Education Institute

Shaik Lateef; Maaz Nayeem*

    Medical students in tertiary educational institutes attend long hour lectures, study for hours leaving no time for any physical activity, leading many students to adopt a sedentary lifestyle. This effects the human physiology mainly through; reduced lipoprotein lipase activity and decreased carbohydrate metabolism resulting in insulin sensitivity, directly causing cardiovascular diseases with increasing risks of metabolic disorders and cancers.

Giant Hydronephrosis in Third Trimester Pregnancy Resulting from Concurrent Uretero pelvic Junction Calculus and Squamous Cell Carcinoma

Leanne Kui Yan Liaw*

    Giant Hydronephrosis (GH) is rare. A GH patient can develop symptoms at a later stage of pregnancy, and they can have a successful normal vaginal delivery with conservative management. When diagnosing Giant Hydronephrosis, we should be alerted to the possibility of an occult malignancy.

Factors Influencing the Perinatal Mortality among the Hill Korwas: A Particular Vulnerable Tribal Group of Chhattisgarh, India

Sandeep Sharma*

    The prime objective of this study is to know the biocultural determinants of perinatal mortality among a particular vulnerable tribal group. WHO defined perinatal mortality as the "Late fetal and early neonatal deaths weighing over 1000 gm. at birth expressed as a ratio per 1000 live births."

Post-COVID Clinical Manifestations in Non-Hospitalized Patients with COVID-19: A Retrospective Cohort Study

Riham Abdelrahman Eltoukhy*

    Clinical features and outcomes of COVID-19 patients after discharge must be improved in specific populations. Therefore, we aim to investigate important parameters (clinical, laboratory, radiological, and outcomes) in the post-hospital discharge of COVID-19 infection.

Situational Diagnosis in Brazilian Triple Side Border Primary Health Care Scenario

Ozires Kelvin Guimaraes Vieira1; Vitor Fernando Elias; Caio Mora Rodrigues; Negli Valter Sganzerla Junior; Flavio Abrhao Delgado Farhat; Juliana Cristina Braga de Lima; Mateus Ferrari Roldão; Joao Roberto da Conceicao Junior; Lucas Fernando Rodrigues; Cezar Rangel Pestana*

    Situational Diagnosis emerges as an important tool for primary care services in health basic units by data analysis collected from Health Family Team territories. The main aim of the study is to report the situational diagnosis in a health basic unit for local health care planning strategies. An observational study based on consolidated reports containing institutional, demographic and epidemiological profiles was performed.

Health Seeking Behaviour among the Persons in Contact with Tuberculosis Patients in an Urban Slum Patharbandh, Khurda, Odisha: in Sociocultural Approach

Debajanee Lenka*; Amarendra Mahapatra; Santosh Sahoo

    Health seeking behaviour is now a major challenge for the health system to improve the situation of TB cases. Inadequate knowledge and understanding of the people always matters for success and implementation programme of any disease. Therefore Govt. has initiated to conduct awareness camps and involved health workers but yet there is no changes seen among the people specifically those are under poverty and having less qualification.

Raman Imaging Microscopy: A Mini - Overview on Its Role in Curtailing the Menace of Drug - Resistant Bacterial Pathogens

Okoloagu Nkiruka*; Anekpo Chijioke C; Ezenwa Adanma

    Raman microscopy is an emerging group of tools for molecular imaging of cells. It is currently a phenotypic method that can identify and test microbial susceptibility to antibiotics. Raman Spectroscopy (RS) a useful instrument in biological systems. Owing to its low-cost, label-free, and non-destructive characteristics, RS has remained broadly examined for its impending use in medical education as it has high-throughput and real-time applications in clinical diagnostics...

Flavonoid and Stilbene Cytotoxic Phytochemicals Isolated from Genus Macaranga for the Treatment of Cancer Cells: A Review

Zelalem Zayse Zeleke

    Genus Macaranga contains more than 308 species and different species from this genus have variety class of secondary metabolites that are used for different therapeutic purposes. Flavonoids and stilbenes are the major compounds which are isolated from different species of Macaranga. These compounds are cytotoxic to different cancer cell lines like human breast adenocarcinoma (MCF-7), Human Hepatocellular (HepG2), Human Cervical Carcinoma (Hela) and mouse leukemia (P388) cell lines with high to low cytotoxic activities...

Evolution and Emergence of SARS-Covid-2 Vaccination and its Role in Prevention: Why the Race is Not for MERS?

Kalpana Ramachandran

    A novel coronavirus, currently known as Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), was identified as the source of a cluster of pneumonia cases in Wuhan, Hubei Province, China, near the end of 2019. It quickly spread over the world, resulting in a global epidemic. Vaccines against SARS-CoV-2 infection are seen to be the most promising method of containing the epidemic...

Anti-Mullerian Hormone in Normoglycemic Obese and Non-Obese Women with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome from North India

Iram Shabir; Rameez Raja Najar; Jasiya Qadir; Sabhiya Majid; Hardeep Singh; Shahnawaz Ahmad Mir*

    Objective: Anti-Mullerian Hormone (AMH) is associated with various pathological conditions of ovary including Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS). Obesity, BMI and hyperandrogenism in these patients’ triggers increase in small antral follicles, which affects AMH secretion.

A Quantitative Analysis of the Similarities and Differences of the HIV/FIV Gag Genome

Charlotte Siu*; Meredith Horn; Xiao Wen Cheng

    Among viruses, Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) presents the greatest challenge to humans. Here, we retrieved genome sequences from NCBI and were then run through LALIGN bioinformatics software to compute the E value, bit score, Waterman eggert score, and percent identity, which are four important indicators of how similar the sequences are...

Explaining Reiki Healing

Maria Kuman

    "Rei-ki" means “Universal energy”. Reiki healers heal with the energy emitted from their hands (without touching the body)-they hold their hands an inch or two over the place of the body, where the pain is, and the pain stops. They claim they don’t use their energy to heal; they channel Universal energy to the patients...

Immune Abilities, Antibiotics and Cronic Diseases

Maria Kuman

    The children that have been breast-fed have the immune system of the mother till the age of three. Between ages 3 and 4, the children are building their own immune system. During this age period, the children are frequently sick and the parents need to stay calm and know that this increased sickness is a part of the child’s development...

Quality of Life Profile in Volunteer Fire Fighters from Joinville-SC

Cristianne Confessor Castilho Lopes*; Barbara Cardozo; Luis Fernando da Rosa; Eduardo Barbosa Lopes; Lucas Castilho Lopes; Vanessa da Silva Barros; Daniela dos Santos; Marivane Lemos; Tulio Gamio Dias; Paulo Sergio Silva; Gabriela Nardi; Liamara Basso Dala Costa; Heliude de Quadros and Silva; Youssef Elias Ammar

    The quality of life of a volunteer firefighter is necessary, as their daily activities include a physical and emotional effort demanded during the occurrences, often putting their life at risk. The aim of this study was to evaluate the quality of life profile of volunteer firefighters in Joinville - SC. The instrument developed by Nahas MV, Barros MGV and Francalacci VL...

Common Cervicobrachial Neuralgia in the Neurosurgery Department of the Main Hospital in Dakar: Epidemiological, Clinical and Therapeutic Aspects

Souleymane Balde; Sagar Diop; Souleymane Diallo; Celere Mualaba*; Aboubacar Sall Bass; Mouhamadou Moustapha Ndongo; Ibrahima Tine; Abdou Aziz Diop

    Introduction: Cervico-Brachial Neuralgia (NCB) is a relatively frequent pathology in current practice. The objective of this study is to study the epidemiological, clinical and therapeutic aspects of NCB common in our context.
Patients and methods: This was a retrospective descriptive study lasting 5 years, i.e. 11th January 2012 to December 31, 2016. Included were all patients who presented with a common cause NCB seen as an outpatient in the department, having benefited from at least one standard x-ray and cared for in our department during this period.

Pandemic Science: Does the Complexity of Nature Far Transcend Man's Ingenuity?

Arthur E Brawer

    During the year 2020 and the first two months of 2021 at least 25 million individuals in the USA manifested positive tests for SARS-CoV-2 infection. This interval was prior to achieving a substantial number of vaccinated individuals aimed at reducing the characteristic morbidity and mortality inherent to the Covid-19 pandemic. During this same interval, when nearly 500,000 pandemic related deaths were recorded in the USA, it was estimated that 100 million USA residents had probably already been infected with SARS-CoV-2...

A Health Survey of African American Men Seen at an Academic Medical Center in the Southern United States

Steven S Coughlin*; Deepak Nag Ayyala; Justin Xavier Moore; Ban A Majeed; Marlo M Vernon; Hayat Dergaga; John S Luque

    Background: African Americans have poorer cardiovascular health and higher chronic disease mortality than non-Hispanic whites. The high burden of chronic diseases among African Americans is a primary cause of disparities in life expectancy between African Americans and whites.

Molecular Docking Study of Different Natural Bio-Active Compounds of 'Swastha Kada Kashayam' on SARS-Cov-2 (Ncov) Proteins

Suganthan R; Prabu P; Kalpana S*

    Background: Since the COVID-19 a pandemic disease, so far there are no drugs or other treatment practices currently approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to treat COVID-19 patients. Current scenario is only clinical management includes infection prevention and control measures and supportive care, including oxygen supplementation and mechanical ventilator support when indicated. Researchers around the world are working on effective treatments and vaccines for the novel coronavirus disease known as COVID-19.

A Statistical Study on Outpatients: With Special Reference to NIIMS Hospital

Kamlesh Kumar Shukla*; Ranjana Singh

    In this paper, a stochastic model for outpatients (OPD) has been developed, based on patient arrival of the NIIMS hospital in Gautam Buddh Nagar, India. Data has been collected from OPD arrival per day in the hospital. A pattern of arrival of OPD patients has been analyzed using ANOVA and some other statistical tools. Arrival rates are periodic over a week and day of week are studied and discussed graphically also. There is significant effect among the day of week on arrival of patients.

Burden of COVID-19 on Health System in Iraq, 2020

Hajir H Al-Ridhwany

    Introduction: As the COVID-19 pandemic expands, information on the distribution of the burden of disease is required to plan an effective allocation of the available medical resources.
Aim: The current study is aiming for displaying burden of COVID-19 on health system in Iraqi Governorates during the year 2020.

Age Impact on TSH Profile in A Portuguese Population

Vitória Duarte*; Catarina Ivo; David Veríssimo; João Silva; Luís Lopes; Dolores Passos; João Jácome de Castro; Mafalda Marcelino

    Objective: The measurement of plasma Thyrotropin (TSH) is the most sensitive screening test for primary thyroid disorders. Our main goal was to study the association of TSH with age and gender in a Portuguese population without evidence of thyroid disease.

Ownership and use of Long-Lasting Insecticide Bed Nets (LLINs) in the Mbonge Health District, South West Region, Cameroon: A Community Cross-Sectional Survey

Katte Keumami Ivo; Dickson Shey Nsagha; Palle John Ngunde; Amos Wung Buh*

    Background: Malaria is a major public health problem in Cameroon. Long-Lasting Insecticide Bed Nets (LLINs) proven to be effective in the prevention of malaria have been distributed to households in Cameroon. Despite this, little information is known about the use of LLINs within rural communities. This study’s objective was to assess usage of LLINs and the socio-demographic factors associated to LLINs use in Mbonge Health District (MHD).

Cardiac Effects of Cocaine Use

Paul Obeng-Okyere; Michael Sun; Katelynn Lee Alcorn; Jasmine Mikal Haydel; Vaskar Mukerji*

    Cocaine use can precipitate as well as worsen underlying cardiovascular disease. Its impact ranges from a persistent elevation of blood pressure to catastrophic aortic dissection or ventricular tachyarrhythmias. Cocaine’s physiologic effects are primarily driven by its sympathomimetic characteristics through its action on alpha - and beta-adrenergic receptors causing elevations in inotropy, heart rate and systemic blood pressure.

Human Suicide Study, New Insights and Drug Development

Da-Yong Lu*; Hong-Ying Wu; Ting-Ren Lu

    Suicide is still a major event of human mortality (2%) worldwide. However, no high-effective drug has been developed. Influence by diverse and complex environmental factors and pressures, suicidal treatment study grows slowly. In search of pharmaceutical options against human suicide, transition from psychoanalysis (cognitive, behavior and emotional) into psychobiology study (genetics/image) is more important...

Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs Role in the Prevention of Post-Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancreatography Pancreatitis: A Review of Reviews and Meta-Analysis

Hyder Osman Mirghani; Abdolmohsen Alamri; Moaz Alyasi

    Background: Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) is an effective diagnostic and therapeutic procedure in the field of endoscopy. Post-ERCP pancreatitis is a serious, morbid, and stressful consequence. The current review aimed to assess the role of Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs as a preventive measure in post-ERCP pancreatitis.

Bacterial Spectrum and Antibiotic Sensitivity Patterns of Isolates from Blood Culture

Panchal Pankaj; Tanisha Bharara*; Khandait Manisha; Kumar Surinder

    Context: Blood cultures remain the gold-standard not only for the diagnosis of blood stream infection, but also for the identification of the responsible pathogens, and for the testing of their susceptibility to anti-infective agents.
Aims: To study bacterial profi le of consecutive blood cultures isolates.

Self-Medication Practice, its Causes and Risk Factors among People in Tehran, Iran: A Descriptive-Analytic Study

Hesam Aldin Varpaei*; Pariya Onsori; Faeze Esmaeili; Saba Abach; Mohammad Mahdi Miremamini; Amir Mahdi Farahani; Pedram Nouroozi; Ali Kazemi

    Background: Self-medication practice, unfortunately, is a current issue in different countries. Patterns of self-medication vary among different populations and are influenced by different characteristics. Therefore, the present study aims to explore the self-medication prevalence and associated factors in Tehran.

Effects of Various Interventions to Prevent and Control Anaemia among School Going Adolescent Girls of Bareilly District

Tanwar H; Mathur RN; Mathur M

   Introduction: Adolescent is defined by WHO as a person between 10-19 years of age. Anemia in India primarily occurs due to iron deficiency and is the most widespread nutritional deficiency disorders in the country today. Adolescent girls in particular are more vulnerable to anemia due to rapid growth of the body and loss of blood during menstruation.

An Epidemiologic Study of Cystic Fibrosis in the Gaza Strip

Amjad El-Shanti

   To determine the distribution, trend, manifestations, prognosis and genetic determinants of cystic fibrosis (CF) diseases in the past ten years (2009-2019) in The Gaza Strip (GS). Hospital based cross-sectional study and retrospective review of health care facilities records was conducted. This study was performed in all CF cases (150 cases) of five governorates of GS.

Hypo-Coagulated Patients and Ultrasound Guided Fine-Needle Aspiration of Thyroid Nodules: A Worry?

Catarina Rodrigues Ivo*; Vitoria Duarte; David Verissimo; Joao Silva; Luis Lopes; Dolores Passos; Joao Jacome de Castro; Mafalda Marcelino

   Thyroid Ultra Sound guided Fine-Needle Aspiration (US-FNA) is the gold standard for thyroid nodules diagnosis. Many patients are under anticoagulation or antiplatelet medication. Haemorrhagic complications of US-FNA are rare. It is not clear if performing thyroid US-FNA in hypo-coagulated patients increase risk of complications or if this medication should be stopped before the procedure.

The Role of Current Major Antiplatelet Agents in Cardiovascular Diseases

Zhiyou Zhou; Lianfang Huang; Hui Luo*; Xiao Zhu*

   Coronary Artery Disease (CAD), a primary cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide, has arrived at a prevalence because of the quick modernization of the developing countries nowadays. Moreover, coronary thrombosis is the most severe complications leading to a constant cause of cardiovascular death, myocardial infarction and ischemic stroke, which is closely associated with a platelet-rich aggregation on existent CAD.

The Shame and Stigma Scale in Head and Neck Cancer (SSS): Translation and Validation in Greek

P Mangoulia; N Baizanis; C Christodoulou; A Kouzoupis; A Douzenis

    Head and neck cancer can be especially difficult for the patients, as affects the most visible areas of the body and usually have severe impact on patients’ daily activities. The degree of disfigurement is a determinant of self-image, social contact and sexuality and introduces the concepts of shame and stigma. The aim of the study was to translate and validate the SSS into Greek.

Demystifying a Case of 10 Years of Chronic Chelation for Mercury Poisoning

Arunima Dutta*; Kavitha Kesari; Abhijeet Ghatol

    Mercury is a rare element and can cause poisoning with accidental acute exposure, chronic exposure [2] and rarely with self-injection. Literature suggests few cases of self-injection of mercury for self-harm or superstition with or without any psychiatric illness. We present a rare case of self-injection of mercury with pulmonary symptoms and 10-year duration of chelation therapy for unknown reasons.

Ecological Model of Health Behavior in Reducing Anti-Vaccination Trends

Ariel Braverman

    Anti-Vaccination and vaccine hesitation is not a novel phenomenon, but in the modern and more connected world, the magnitude of the issue is sky-rocketing and presents a clear danger to public health. This paper summarizes factors contributing to the phenomenon based on the recent literature review and proposes a possible behavioral intervention framework based on the ecological model of health behavior.

A model for computerization and implementation of electronic health records in primary health care in Egypt

Hend Samy Ibrahim Mohamed

    Primary health care is the corner-stone for universal health coverage. The newly launched family health centers run through family records. Despite their importance they are paper based records and their completeness by health providers consume a lot of effort and time that negatively impact the efficiency and the health care outcome. Electronic health records improve the managerial, operational problems and efficiency which reflects on patient satisfaction.

Community awareness to prevent and control of Dengue fever after Sunda Strait Tsunami in Labuhan, Banten, Indonesia

Ludhang Pradipta Rizki*; Sarah Nurul Anggreni

    Introduction: Natural disasters may lead to infectious disease outbreaks and change in the environment, in human conditions and in the vulnerability to existing pathogens for disease transmission. Volcanic activity and a high tide are suspected to be responsible for the devastation on Java and Sumatra islands...

Patient history & medical record: Proper solution from accurate problem identification

Abdul Kader Mohiuddin

    Clinical record keeping is a fundamental part in great expert practice and the conveyance of value healthcare. Despite the type of the records (for example electronic or paper), great clinical record keeping should empower coherence of consideration and should improve correspondence between various healthcare experts. Medication histories have generally been reported in the ‘Medication history’ area of a specialist’s clerking; if pharmacists recognized any blunders with this rundown, they would more often than not record these in ensuing advancement notes....

Obstructive ileal ascaris lumbricoides infection

Kimbley Omwodo

    A 6-year old Kenyan girl presented with a one week history of recurrent, periumbilical abdominal pain and diarrhoea that had altered into obstipation for three days prior to admission. Non-bloody, non-projectile vomiting had also developed. She neither had a cough nor chest pain...

Determining the risk of antibiotic-resistant bacterial contamination of emergency medical vehicles and paramedic personnel: Conclusions from a helicopter air ambulance case study

Andrew W Taylor-Robinson*; Sandrine Makiela

    The presence of infectious disease-causing microorganisms in emergency medical vehicles presents potential public health risks in view of the multiple millions of ambulance calls that are made worldwide annually. This risk of infection is to the patients, to the patients’ attendants who may also be transported, and to the paramedic personnel whose work involves pre-hospital transfer. This holds true especially for contamination with those pathogenic microorganisms that pose an increased threat due to their known resistance to front-line antimicrobial agents. Identifying the risks may lead to the development of best practices which could optimise infection control on a routine basis and during a large-scale emergency such as a bioterrorism event or pandemic....

A double look at the application of information and communication technologies in patients with Alzheimer’s Disease

Redolat R*; Fernández-Ríos M; Mazza G

    The significant increase in the older population groups has been associated to a higher prevalence of neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s Disease (AD). In this context, digital technologies could be useful both for the patient (intervention strategies, biomarkers or in clinical assessment) living in the community and for the informal or professional caregivers. In the present work, the application of information and communication technologies for reminiscence therapy in AD patients and for interventions aimed to reduce burden and anxiety in caregivers are reviewed...

Health professionals’ knowledge about prevention and control of leishmaniosis

Graziella Borges Alves; Talita Carolina Bragança de Oliveira; Nicole Alessandra Nodari; Larianne Maria Belloto de Francisco; Walter Bertequini Nagata; Jancarlo Ferreira Gomes; Katia Denise Saraiva Bresciani*

    Leishmaniasis is an important worldwide disease with a zoonotic potential that presenting visceral and cutaneous clinical forms. The domestic dog is seen as the main reservoir of Leishmania spp. and for this reason, it is the target of the control program in some countries. The health professionals’ knowledge about prevention and control of leishmaniasis was investigated. Through interviews with health professionals from endemic regions, it was observed that there are several conceptuais gaps about leishmaniasis....

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