
A Case of Serratia Marcescens Endocarditis in A Prosthetic Valve

Sandra Eid*; Andrew Vassallo; Matthew Regulski; Jesse B Sullivan

   Serratia marcescens is one of the rare pathogens known to cause infective endocarditis in IV drug users. In this report, we review a 29-year-old male patient's case of prosthetic valve endocarditis due to Serratia. The patient's disease course was complicated by developing significant septic emboli and need for mechanical intubation.

Perception and Factors Associated with Tuberculosis among Cattle Owner Tuberculosis Patients

Kedir Mehadi Ahmed*

    This review synthesizes existing literature to explore the perceptions of Tuberculosis (TB) among cattle owners and the potential factors contributing to TB transmission from cattle to human.

A Review on Ruminant's Meat-Born Helminth Zoonoses

Abdurezak Mohamed*; Nesredin Oumer; Dino Abdi; Amanur Musa; Mohamed Adem

    Helminths found in ruminant animals are intricate, multicellular parasites capable of infecting both animals and humans, leading to zoonotic diseases. This review focuses specifically on zoonotic helminth infections linked to meat from ruminant animals, such as Taenia saginata, Fasciola spp, and Trichinella spiralis.

Nasal Rinsing Efficacious Curing Covid-19, Low Temperature May Be Crucial Of Priming Intranasal Administration for Viral Sterilization

Yong Tan*

    The global pandemic of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (covid-19) is ongoing and, SARS-CoV-2 (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2) is the causative organism which or its variant is still to menace everybody in the world.

Review on Non-Communicable Disease among TB Patient

Kedir Mehadi Ahmed; Abdurezak Mohamed*

    Globally, the incidence of Tuberculosis (TB) is declining very slowly, and the Non-Communicable Disease (NCD) burden for many countries is steadily increasing. But, tuberculosis is a leading cause of mortality in low- and middle-income countries.

A Review on Concomitant Immunity in Plasmodium

Kedir Mehadi Ahmed; Abdurezak Mohamed*

    Malaria causes great morbidity and mortality, this implies that they can incompletely escape from protective effector mechanisms of their hosts, but also that hosts can develop partial immunity to the parasite.

Recommendations for Routine HIV-1 RNA Testing Need Updating

Stephen A Klotz*; Lawrence D York

    Measurement of plasma HIV-1 RNA, known as 'viral load,' is commonly used to monitor the effectiveness of Anti-Retroviral Therapy (ART). Repeated viral load values below 200 copies RNA/μl of plasma define 'sustained viral suppression', the goal of ART and achievable by most patients.

A Review on Various Secretion Systems: A Versatile Molecular Weapon for Bacterial Pathogenesis, Special Reference to Type 7 Secretion System (T7SS) in Multi Drug Resistance Staphylococcus Aureus.

Ankur Kumar; Ashish Kothari; Prashant Chauhan; Manju Pai; Kriti Mohan; Balram Ji Omar*

    S. aureus pathogens utilize multiple methods to invade mammalian hosts, damage tissue sites, and baffle the immune system from responding. Secretion of proteins across phospholipid membranes are one of the essential strategy components in these strategies for many bacterial pathogens. Secreted proteins play many roles in promoting bacterial virulence, from enhancing attachment to eukaryotic cells, to scavenging resources in an environmental niche, to directly intoxicating target cells and disrupting their functions.

Flavonoids as a New Pharmacological Tool

Velázquez Domínguez José Antonio*

    Flavonoids are a large family of plant substances that were described by Szent-Gyorgi A. (Nobel Prize in Biochemistry); who in 1930 isolated citrine from the lemonpeel, an active principle that regulates the permeability of capillaries, was also called vitamin P (for permeability) and also vitamin C2 (because some flavonoids had properties similar to vitamin C). Flavonoids comprise several classes of natural substances, which give them a variety of colors: Yellow, orange, red, violet, and blue...

Satellite Lesions In Histoplasmosis

Jatin Ahuja

    A 38-year-old woman was just diagnosed with human immunodeficiency virus and began ART. She presented to the clinic after a month with a week history of a few nodular lesions over the back and the elbow. She denied having a cough, fever, or itching from the lesions.
A nodular rash with a few satellite lesions around the principle nodule (Panel A) and one umbilicated nodule on the lateral aspect of the right elbow was found on physical examination (Panel B). Syphilis and serum cryptococcal antigen tests were negative...

Molecular Mechanism of Interaction between Influenza Virus and Host Cells: An Attempt to Understand Signaling and Cellular Pathways

Vikas Jha*; Vrushali Dhamapurkar; Kabir Thakur; Navdeep Kaur; Valencia D'Souza; Jayesh Anerao; Arpita Marick1;Sathi Maiti

    Influenza virus infection is highly contagious and difficult to treat, because of the emergence of different strains formed via antigenic variations. Influenza is a causative agent of acute viral respiratory infection with a broad infectious range that includes all age groups and is linked with high mortality during pandemics, epidemics, and sporadic outbreaks...

Prevalence of Malaria and Associated Factor among Out Patients in Wolenchity District Hospital East Shewa Zone, Oromia Region, Ethiopia

Behre Dari Mosa*; Efrem Demelash; Yasin Awol Wabe; Neja Awol Mohammed

    Introduction: Malaria is a life threatening infectious disease caused by the protozoan parasite called the genus Plasmodium. It is prevalent and the leading public health problem in tropical and subtropical countries of Africa including Ethiopia.
Objective: The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of malaria and associated factors among the out patients visiting Wolenchity District Hospital during the study periods.

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