Missense Mutations in Leptin (LEP): A Bioinformatic in Computational Investigation of Three-Dimensional Protein Structure and Function

Tiwuk Susantiningsih*; Silvia Tri Widyaningtyas; Ani Retno Prijanti; Novi Silvia Hardiany; Fadilah

    Introduction: A missense mutation arises when an amino acid change results from a nucleotide point mutation. Not all missense mutations result in significant protein modifications. An amino acid can be replaced by another amino acid with very similar chemical characteristics, allowing the protein product to function appropriately. Amino acid changes can occur in sections of the protein that have no effect on the protein's secondary-tertiary structure or function....

The Importance of Nutritional Therapy in Diabetic Pregnant Women

Eosefina-Gina Botnariu; Liliana Gheorghe; Alina Plesa; Irina Iuliana Costache

    During pregnancy many metabolic changes occur, whether it is about gestational diabetes or pre-pregnancy diabetes. The estimated energy requirement during pregnancy, in women with gestational diabetes, is not different from that of non-diabetic pregnant women; the dietary modifications has the role of avoiding glycemic excursions and excessive weight gain. The pregnant woman with diabetes should take special care to ensure that it is adequate in macro- and micro-nutrients...

Physical Activity and Exercise in Adults with Type 1 Diabetes: Effects and Benefits

Matteo Vandoni*; Alessandro Gatti

    In 1993 a study conducted by Kahn et al.,[1] for the first time described the association between insulin sensitivity and beta-cell function, and nowadays the World health organization reported that more than 9 million people in the USA had type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1D) and its prevalence is expected to triple thirty years from now [2,3]. Because of beta-cell destruction, people with T1D need lifelong insulin replacement therapy that lower the quality of life since is invasive and required at least 4 to 5 times per day...

Dyslipidemia and Cancer - More than a Simple Association

Irina Iuliana Costache*; Bianca-Ana Dmour; Alexandru- Dan Costache; Gina Botnariu

    The idea that cardiovascular and neoplastic pathologies are two entities that cause a huge "burden" for the public health system especially in developed countries it is currently well accepted. In the last years, starting from a significant improvement in the survival rate of certain cancers and a steady increase in the number of survivors diagnosed with cancer, cardiovascular complications became more frequent in these patients, with a huge impact on both morbidity and mortality...

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